Adding support for shifts
Shifts are another way to think about vacancies in your recruitment strategy. Vacancies or jobs fall in to one of three categories:
- Full or part time
- Contract / Temporary such as maternity cover or Locum work
- Shifts such as: Pharmacy cover, Bar work, Short term sick cover, Driving jobs, Construction work or other ephemeral or gig-type vacancy listings.
Each category has its own nuances and optimisations that can be made to give the best experience to a candidate using your recruitment website or recruitment website app to search for their next opportunity.
Both full-time and contract roles are very similar in terms of layout, information and precedence with the focus generally being on salary, work location and ease of travel to the workplace and as such jobs of these natures are searched for, viewed and presented in a different way.
Shift type work differs as the main focus on your website is on getting the information in front of the candidate as quick as possible either by means of a search or alerts direct to their device and or email. Again this isn't too much different from more permanent based roles, however, candidates do search for these roles differently and they focus on different parts of the role such as shift dates, shift times, more precise locations and shift requirements such as specific POS system experience or specific DBS requirements etc.
With this in mind there are many optimisations that can be made by splitting the types in to two groups. The first being permanent or longer term contract roles and the second being shifts. This allows us to optimise every aspect of your recruitment website both for the candidate and for the search engine which in turn should hoist you up the search results and Google For Jobs for your shift based roles. In short it really doesn't make sense to group all roles together when they can easily be split and optimisations gained in terms of candidate retention and performance and also SEO performance for your recruitment website.
Inside your recruitment website control panel or your recruitment CRM you will find that Shifts behave a lot like vacancies, they still belong to clients they still enjoy all of the powerful searching our platforms offer, they still have descriptions, snippets, salaries, job titles etc but they also have start and end dates which allow the shift to automatically refresh itself daily until it expires to help keep it in-front of your candidates. If you either offer or specialise in this type of recruitment you can now have the tools to have all types or some types of recruitment seamlessly supported on your website with no extra hassle.
We are the only vendor we can find in the industry that offers this level of granularity and optimisation for the different facets of recruitment. This new edition to our platform comes at no extra monthly cost and is sure to enhance your candidate retention and interaction above your competitors which are most likely just dancing around the lack of functionality they have to offer their candidates rather than optimising their candidate experience as much as possible.
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Your expertise really shines through in this piece. Well done!
The practical applications you've outlined are so helpful.